Dental Glossary

Saturday, January 9, 2010



Abscess - A localized inflammation in the bone or soft tissue, usually caused by an infection.

Abutment - A tooth or implant used to support a prosthesis. A crown unit used as

part of a fixed bridge.

Alveoloplasty - A surgical procedure used to recontour the supporting bone structures in preparation of a complete or partial denture.

Antibiotic Prophylaxis - refers to using antibiotics, on patients who are at high risk for bacterial endocarditis, to help kill the bacteria that may enter the bloodstream during dental procedures.

Amalgam - A dental filling material, composed of mercury, silver, tin, etc. used to fill decayed teeth.

Anesthetic - Drugs that eliminate or reduce pain.

Anterior - Refers to the teeth and tissues located towards the front of the mouth (upper or lower incisors and canines).

Apex - The tip of the root of the tooth.

Apicoectomy - The amputation of the apex of a tooth to treat an infection.


Bicuspid - A two-cusped tooth found between the molar and the cuspid also called a canine tooth.

Biopsy - A process of removing tissue to determine the existence of pathology.

Bitewing x-rays - X-rays taken of the crowns of teeth to check for decay.

Bleaching - The technique of applying a chemical agent to the teeth to whiten them.

Bonding - adhering a tooth colored substance to repair and/or change the color or shape of a tooth.

Bone loss - The breakdown and loss of the bone that supports the teeth, usually caused by infection or long-term occlusal (chewing areas of the teeth) stress.

Bridge - A nonremovable restoration that is used to replace missing teeth.

Bridges - a partial denture which is a prosthetic replacement of one or more missing

teeth cemented or attached to abutment teeth or implants adjacent to the space.

Bruxism - The involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth.



Calculus - The hard deposit of mineralized plaque that forms on the crown and/or root of the tooth. Also referred to as tartar.

Canine tooth - The second tooth from the big front tooth, commonly called the cuspid.

Cap - Another term for crown; usually referring to a crown for a front tooth.

Caries - The correct technical term for decay which is the progressive breaking down or dissolving of tooth structure, caused by the acid produced when bacteria digest sugars.

Cavity - A layman's term for tooth decay. Also, the dental term for the hole that is left after decay has been removed.

Cement - A special type of glue used to hold a crown in place.

Cementum - The very thin, bonelike structure that covers the root of the tooth.

Clenching - The forceful holding together of the upper and lower teeth.

Composite - A tooth-colored filling made of plastic resin or porcelain.

Cosmetic dentistry - Any dental treatment or repair that is solely rendered to improve the appearance of the teeth or mouth.

Crown - the portion of the tooth covered by enamel. Also a type of restoration that covers all or most of the natural tooth.

Crown lengthening - A surgical procedure exposing more tooth for restorative purposes.

Curettage - A deep scaling of that portion of the tooth below the gum line. Purpose is to remove calculus and infected gum tissue.

Cuspid - See canine tooth.



BDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery. Degrees given to dental College graduates.

Decay - See caries.

Deciduous - See primary teeth.

Dental hygienist - A dental professional specializing in cleaning the teeth by removing plaque, calculus, and diseased gum tissue. He/She acts as the patient's guide in establishing a proper oral hygiene program.

Dental Implants - A manufactured material placed in or on the jawbone to aid in replacing missing teeth.

Dentin - The part of the tooth that is under both the enamel which covers the crown and the cementum which covers the root.

Dentures - an artificial set of teeth that is removable.

Direct pulp cap - The procedure in which the exposed pulp is covered with a dressing or cement that protects the pulp and promotes healing and repair.

Dry socket - A localized inflammation of the tooth socket following an extraction.



Enamel - The hard, calcified portion of the tooth which covers the crown. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body.

Endodontist - a specialist who performs root canal and treats diseases and infections of the pulp.

Excision - Surgical removal of bone or tissue.

Exostosis - The overgrowth of normal bone.

Extracoronal - The outside of the crown of the tooth.

Extraction - Removal of a tooth.

Extraoral - The outside of the mouth.


Filling - Material used to fill a cavity or replace part of a tooth.

Floss - A thin, nylon string, waxed or unwaxed, that is inserted between the teeth to remove food and plaque.

Fluoride - A chemical compound used to prevent dental decay, utilized in fluoridated water systems and/or applied directly to the teeth. Fluoride makes the tooth surface stronger so that teeth can resist acid attacks.

Frenectomies - removal of the frenum ( the thin cord of tissue that attaches the upper or lower lips to the gum or the tongue to the floor of the mouth.



General Anesthesia - a controlled state of unconsciousness, accompanied by a partial or complete loss of pain sensation, protective reflexes, including loss of ability to independently maintain airway and respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command.

General Dentist - A general practitioner of dentistry

Gingiva - The soft tissue that covers the jawbone. Also referred to as the gums.

Gingivectomy - The removal of gingiva (gum).

Gingivitis - inflammation of gum tissue; the initial stage of gum disease.

Gingivoplasty - A surgical procedure to reshape or repair the gingiva (gum).

Graf - A piece of tissue or synthetic material placed in contact with tissue to repair a defect or supplement a deficiency.

Gum disease - See periodontal disease. ________________________________________


Immediate denture - A denture constructed for immediate placement after removal of the remaining teeth.

Impacted Tooth - an unerupted or partially erupted tooth that is positioned against another tooth, bone, or soft tissue so that complete eruption is unlikely.

Implant - An artificial device, usually made of a metal alloy or ceramic material, that is implanted within the jawbone as a means to attach an artificial crown, denture, or bridge.

Incision and Drainage - making an incision in an abscess to drain out the pus.

Incisors - The four front teeth referred to as central and lateral incisors, located in the upper and lower jaws and used to cut and tear food. The central incisors are the two large teeth in the middle of the mouth and the lateral incisors are next to the central incisor, one on each side.

Indirect pulp cap - A procedure in which the nearly exposed pulp is covered with a protective dressing to protect the pulp from additional injury and to promote healing and repair via formation of secondary dentin.

Inlays - a cemented type of restoration which is made to fit an internal/external preparation resulting from the loss of healthy tooth structure.

Interproximal - The area between two adjacent teeth.

Intracoronal -The area within the crown of a tooth.

Intraoral - The inside of the mouth.



Labial - The area pertaining to or around the lip.

Lingual - The area pertaining to or around the tongue.

Local anesthetic - An injection given in the mouth to numb the areas where a tooth or area needs a dental procedure.



Malocclusion - The improper alignment of biting or chewing surfaces of upper and lower teeth.

Mandible - The lower jaw.

Maryland bridge - The trade name that has become synonymous with any resin bonded fixed partial denture (bridge).

Mastication - The act of chewing.

Maxilla - Upper jaw.

Molars - The broad, multicusped back teeth, used for grinding food are considered the largest teeth in the mouth. In adults there are a total of twelve molars (including the four wisdom teeth, or third molars), three on each side of the upper and lower jaws.



Nitrous oxide - A controlled mixture of nitrogen and oxygen gases (N2O) that is inhaled by the patient in order to decrease sensitivity to pain. Also referred to as laughing gas.

Novocaine - A generic name for the many kinds of anesthetics used in the dental injection, such as Xylocaine, Lidocaine, or Novocaine. See local anesthetic.



Occlusal x-ray - An intraoral x-ray taken with the film held between the teeth in biting position.

Occlusion - Any contact between biting or chewing surfaces of upper and lower teeth.

Onlay - A cast gold or porcelain filling that covers one or all of the tooth's cusps.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon - a specialist who deals with the diagnosis & treatment of diseases, injuries, and deformities of the mouth and supporting structures.

Oral surgery - The removal of teeth and the repair and treatment of other oral problems, such as tumors and fractures.

Orthodontics - A specialized branch of dentistry that corrects malocclusion and restores the teeth to proper alignment and function. There are several different types of appliances used in orthodontics, one of which is commonly referred to as braces.

Overbite - A condition in which the upper teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth when the jaw is closed. This condition can be corrected with orthodontics.



Palate - The hard and soft tissues forming the roof of the mouth.

Palliative - Treatment that relieves pain but is NOT curative.

Panorex - An extraoral full-mouth X-ray that records the teeth and the upper and lower jaws on one film.

Partial denture - A removable appliance used to replace one or more lost teeth.

Pediatric dentistry - The specialized branch of dentistry that deals solely with treating children's dental disease. Also referred to as pedodontics.

Periapical - The area that surrounds the root tip of a tooth.

Pericoronitis - An inflammation of the gum tissue around the crown of a tooth, usually the third molar.

Periodontal disease - The inflammation and infection of gums, ligaments, bone, and other tissues surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main forms of periodontal disease. Also called gum disease or pyorrhea.

Periodontal pocket - An abnormal deepening of the gingival crevice. It is caused when disease and infection destroy the ligament that attaches the gum to the tooth and the underlying bone.

Periodontal surgery - A surgical procedure involving the gums and jawbone.

Periodontal - Relating to the tissue and bone that supports the tooth (from peri, meaning "around," and odont, "tooth").

Periodontics - The dental specialty that deals with and treats the gum tissue and bone that supports the teeth.

Periodontist - a specialist who treats the gums and supporting structures of the teeth.

Periodontitis - Inflammation of the supporting structures of the tooth, including the gum, the periodontal ligament, and the jawbone.

Periradicular - The area which surrounds a portion of the root

of the tooth.

Permanent teeth - The thirty-two adult teeth that replace the baby, or primary teeth. Also known as secondary teeth.

Pit - A recessed area found on the surface of a tooth, usually where the grooves of the tooth meet.

Plaque - a sticky substance that accumulates on teeth composed largely of bacteria and salivary substance.

Pontic - An artificial tooth used in a bridge to replace a missing tooth.

Porcelain Crowns - a porcelain cap which covers the crown of the tooth to repair it or change the shape and/or color.

Porcelain Veneers - A thin layer of porcelain adhered to a surface of a tooth to repair or change the color and/or shape.

Premolar - Another name for bicuspid.

Preventive dentistry - Education and treatment devoted to and concerned with preventing the development of dental disease.

Primary teeth - The first set of teeth that humans get, lasting until the permanent teeth come in. Also referred to as deciduous teeth or baby teeth.

Prophylaxis - The scaling and polishing procedure performed to remove calculus, plaque, and stains from the crowns of the teeth.

Prosthodontics - The dental specialty dealing with the replacement of missing teeth and other oral structures.

Prosthodontist - a dentist who specializes in the restoration of teeth, replacement of missing teeth and maintaining proper occlusion.

Pulp - The hollow chamber inside the crown of the tooth that contains its nerves and blood vessels.

Pulpectomy - Removal of the entire pulp from the canals in the root.

Pulpitis - An often painful inflammation of the dental pulp or nerve.

Pulpotomy - The removal of a portion of the tooth's pulp.



Quadrant - The dental term for the division of the jaws into four parts, beginning at the midline of the arch and extending towards the last tooth in the back of the mouth. There are four quadrants in the mouth; each quadrant generally contains five to eight teeth.



Rebase - The process of refitting a denture by replacing the base material.

Receded gums - A condition characterized by the abnormal loss of gum tissue due to infection or bone loss.

Reline - The process of resurfacing the tissue side of a denture with a base material.

Replantation - The return of a tooth to its socket.

Restoration - Any material or devise used to replace lost tooth structure (filling, crown) or to replace a lost tooth or teeth (bridge, dentures, complete or partial).

Retainer - A removable dental appliance, usually used in orthodontics, that maintains space between teeth or holds teeth in a fixed position until the bone solidifies around them.

Retrograde filling - A method of sealing the root canal by preparing and filling it from the root tip, generally done at the completion of an apicoectomy.

Root Canal - removal of the pulp of a tooth and filling with an inert material.

Root canal - The hollow part of the tooth's root. It runs from the tip of the root into the pulp.

Root planing - The process of scaling and planing exposed root surfaces to remove all calculus, plaque, and infected tissue.

Root Resections - removal of a root of a tooth while retaining the crown.

Root - The part of the tooth below the crown, normally encased in the jawbone. It is made up of dentin, includes the root canal, and is covered by cementum.



Scaling - A procedure used to remove plaque, calculus and stains from the teeth.

Sealant - A composite material used to seal the decay-prone pits, fissures, and grooves of children's teeth to prevent decay.

Six-year molar - The first permanent tooth to erupt, usually between the ages of five and six.

Sleep Apnea - a disorder which is potentially fatal in which a person who is asleep may stop breathing multiple times for more than 10 seconds.

Socket - The hole in the jawbone into which the tooth fits.

Space maintainer - A dental appliance that fills the space of a lost tooth or teeth and prevents the other teeth from moving into the space. Used especially in orthodontic

and pediatric treatment.

Stainless steel crown - A pre-made metal crown, shaped like a tooth, that is used to temporarily cover a seriously decayed or broken down tooth. Used most often on children's teeth.

Subgingival scaling - The removal of calculus and plaque found on the tooth below the gum line.

Supra gingival scaling - The removal of calculus and plaque found on the tooth above the gum line.



Tartar - also called calculus. A hard deposit containing bacteria which adheres to teeth. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - The connecting hinge mechanism between the upper jaw and the base of the skull.

Third molar - The last of the three molar teeth, also called wisdom teeth. There are four third molars, two in the lower jaw and two in the upper jaw, one on each side. Some people are born without third molars.

TMJ Disorder - A disease process of the jaw join

t and or its muscles.

Tooth whitening - a process to lighten the color of teeth.

Torus - A bony elevation or protuberance of normal bone. Usually seen on the upper palate behind the front teeth or under the tongue inside the lower jaw.



Veneer - An artificial filling material, usually plastic, composite, or porcelain, that is used to provide an aesthetic covering over the visible surface of a tooth. Most often used on front teeth.



Wisdom teeth - See third molar.



xerostomia - dry mouth or decrease in the production of saliva


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